Your company can claim back indirect taxes on goods and services that they buy and sell, i.e. VAT, customs duty, diesel rebates, PAYE and ETI.
Tax Recoveries can assist you by examining your records and claiming back funds due to you!
Your company can claim back indirect taxes on goods and services that they buy and sell, i.e. VAT, customs duty, diesel rebates, PAYE and ETI.
Tax Recoveries can assist you by examining your records and claiming back funds due to you!
We perform a detailed line by line verification of your financial transactions dating back 5 years and identify savings on indirect tax overlooked. With our unique, specialised software and techniques we are able to perform an analysis of transactional data.
Receive indirect tax refunds due to you.
Improve your cash flow.
Pay for results only.
Tax Recoveries bears all the risk.
Minimal involvement from your staff.
90% of our process is conducted off site.
Not only did you manage to recover VAT that we didn’t previously claim, but you have given us great feedback on our current systems and controls
I am confident that engaging the competent experts at Tax Recoveries is a decision you won’t regret
It most definitely was worth it, not only in terms of the saving money wise, but also in the transfer of knowledge in terms of the VAT act to ensure that we do not make the same mistakes again
We were surprised at the ease of getting such a review done and the minimal involvement of our staff and resources